More than one this happened to him by the head, and is something for everyone who likes to research, it is likely that if these questions haunt your head and if you got internet access you've investigated the matter, but Let us remember the history of this giant company.Nintendo's beginnings date back to the eighteenth century (19), as you read, the story begins in ancient times by a visionary named Fusajiro Yamauchi, who initially engaged in the manufacture of cards Hanafuda (Flower in Japanese) in the first capital empire of the Rising Sun Kyoto, city where the headquarters to this day. In the early twentieth century, specifically in 1902, Mr. Yamauchi start creating Western-style letters, as earlier, these games were basically typical of the Far East.
The business card is quite useful, since gambling were stomping all latitudes of the planet earth, the cards were exported to the United States and that's how the micro Yamauchi Fusajiro company was expanding slowly but with sure steps, without neglecting any detail. In 1933 he founded the company Yamauchi Nintendo Co. Ltd. founder died in 1940, leaving in charge of running the business to his confidant, his son Sekiro Yamauchi. This began a major campaign to grow the business from his father created the first distributor in the late 40s.
Back in the heady 50s this card company decides to be at the forefront, that's why I took the chair another visionary, Mr. Hiroshi Yamauchi, the following year renamed Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. and in 1953 established itself as the number one fabricator of plastic cards throughout Japan, this is considered the first among many outstanding achievements that many readers know. In 1959 another great success for Nintendo steps up big when the first cards printed with Walt Disney characters, there sales soared and lived heyday in many years (and stating that no one imagined what was to come later ).
At the beginning of the sixties have a particular relationship besides making cards to popular board games, which were booming at the time, so much so that the company is already listed on the stock exchange in Kyoto and Osaka. And is 1970 the year that Nintendo ventures to manufacture electronic games, is something unprecedented in the Japanese entertainment industry, at that time the most common fun of children and young Japanese was frequenting bowling halls, until laser shot system developed by the company moved this activity, giving way to new times where monarchs would arcades. And so it was that in 1975 thanks to the invaluable help of the Mitsubishi Electric developed the first video game system using the electronic video player (EVR), the rest of the story, and you know it very well ...
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